Can you imagine? I'm not certain if I could even make it to the top without collapsing from exhaustion." "They call the path to the monastery the 7,000 Steps. Not sure what's up there, but I bet the Greybeards know." "Always thought it was odd that there's a layer of thick clouds covering the peak of the mountain above the monastery. "The Greybeards stay away from me, and I stay away from them. It sounds like thunder, but there's never any rain. Sometimes I swear I can hear strange noises rolling down from up there. "It's frightening living below their monastery. Other than that, they seem like a quiet lot. "Klimmek brings food supplies up to them once every few weeks when the weather permits it. They seem peaceful, but I wouldn't want to provoke them. Being masters of the Thu'um, they could kill you by uttering a single word. "I've been to the monastery many times, but I've never even laid eyes on one of the Greybeards. We get the occasional pilgrim passing through here on their way to the summit, but almost all of them have returned disappointed." I don't think they've ever ventured outside their monastery.

You may also ask people there to tell you some information about High Hrothgar: Name You can take an optional quest from him to deliver supplies to the Greybeards. Talk to one of the men, Klimmek, and learn about what dangers are lurking ahead. Once you get there and get close to the bridge, you'll hear a conversation.