It does not modify the disk’s executable files, and there are no permanent effects from using the script extender. NVSE is a modding resource that expands upon the base game’s scripting capabilities. New Vegas Script ExtenderĮnhanced Camera mod is a plugin for NVSE therefore, you will need to download NVSE at v3 beta 2 or higher to run it. This mod also enables shadows for players and bodies, which were not present in the vanilla game.

For a fully immersive experience, the Enhanced Camera mod overwrites this function to keep those perspectives in the first person. It's a nice balance of giving you more repair options while requiring some extra effort, and most of all, it makes you feel like a real DIY enthusiast.Whether you play in first-person or not, New Vegas will force the third-person POV on players in instances like knocking on doors, dying, or even sitting down. With Alternative Repairing, however, you can break down other existing items into base components, then combine those components into replacement parts for your gear. How are you going to fix them? Traditionally, by finding identical versions of the broken items and cannibalizing them (or by paying a vendor to fix them for you). Your gun is broken, your knife is dull, and your armor is in tatters. More detail usually means a performance hit, but there are three different levels of quality to choose from if you have issues running the biggest textures.

Everything from roads, trees, buildings, vehicles, and other objects have been retextured (sky, water, characters, and weapons are untouched). There's a morbid sort of beauty in a decaying landscape, and the NMCS Texture Pack makes New Vegas even more bleakly attractive.