You'll jump straight to the line you need to edit! Tip: Use Ctrl + F to open a search console, type the name of the property you're looking for and press enter. In this example, the value '1' will enable Easy mode, '2' will enable Normal mode, and '3' will enable Hard mode.Īfter changing values, you must click the Save button in the top left corner and restart your server for any changes to take effect.
To the far right of each line is a comment, this will often explain the type of value you need to enter to achieve your desired setting. 'Value' will be the setting we do edit, this will be in the form of a number, a true/false statement, or a string. 'Property Name' will refer to the setting you are editing, for the most part, these are self-explanatory and you will not change these. Let's take a look at an example and break it down before we begin: One out of place character or invalid value can cause major errors with your server. Once inside the editor, it is important to edit everything properly. Alternatively, you can also access this file via FTP and edit it using a text editor of your choice. Click the 'Text Editor' button to the far right of the serverconfig.xml file to open up the file within your panel.
By default, there will only be two files here. Once you've logged in, click on your Game Service and click the Configuration Files button. You can easily find your serverconfig.xml file within your GameServerKings Manager Panel.